Simplified Project Management Skills for Unofficial Project Managers, Online Business Professionals and Digital Creators

Adalyd Gracia

My Commitment

More than leading projects is to learn to lead the way for others and spark high performance in your team

My New Simplified Project Management Leadership Academy

Project Management Like A Pro is a step-by-step program to master project management and go from a virtual assistant to an online business manager. In this mentoring program, you’ll learn everything you need to know about project management, from the basics of creating and executing a project plan, to more advanced concepts like earned value analysis and stakeholder management.

You’ll also get plenty of tips and tricks from experienced OBMs on how to run a successful online business, including advice on leadership skills for yourself and your team, and project management tools. 

Remember, self-formation is a lengthy process and sometimes demands uncomfortable sacrifices. Nonetheless, the right mindset and willpower are the gateway to authenticity.


Be Quality. Be a Leader. Calidad y Agilidad a tu Altura.

Schedule An Appointment

You can schedule an appointment or directly reach out to me at